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PASSPORT Program Cares for a Caregiver

Submitted by: Lori Clapsaddle LSW, Senior Options Care Manager

Rosemary was born in Logan County. Rose, as her family and friends call her, completed the 8th grade before dropping out of school to care for a neighbor’s son who had developmental issues. It was during this time that Rose fell in love with caregiving.

At the age of 19, Rose married her spouse Jim. A daughter soon followed & their son was born a year later. Jim held various jobs before deciding to start his own business, Large’s Exhaust. In the midst of raising their children, their son hit a rough patch & was expelled from school. Rose decided that since she had to drive her son to night school every evening she might as well join him. Rose completed her education & received her high school diploma. This opened up doors for Rose. Still embracing her caregiver role, she decided to return to school to complete her EMT training. Rose loved caring for others & did so until her health would no longer allow her to work as an EMT. Rose was a former smoker & needed to be placed on oxygen. As Arthritis worsened in her knees, mobility became more difficult without the use of a cane or walker. In 1990 the couple decided to move their business to Kenton. As Rose put it, Jim “did the work” and Rose kept the books for the business. Eight years later Rose & Jim relocated to Kenton.

In 2005, as daily activities became more challenging, Rose enrolled onto the PASSPORT program. Rose received assistance with personal care & homemaking tasks. She also received home delivered meals, an emergency response system, grab bars & a walker.

In 2008, when Rose’s spouse Jim began to experience his own health problems, their son took over the exhaust business & Jim became a pastor. Rose relished her role as a pastor’s wife. She was again able to help others through her volunteer work. Rose has always enjoyed cooking though was no longer able to stand for any length of time. Rose figured out that she could still contribute from a sitting position & has assisted with the preparation of numerous meals for church socials, special events, & bible school.

Rose’s needs have changed throughout the years and her PASSPORT services have evolved with her. Rose lost her spouse in 2016 though still remains active in their church. Her mother is still living & together they enjoy playing cards & bingo. Rose voiced her appreciation of the services & supports she has received over the years from the PASSPORT program. Rose stated “It’s always been here when I needed it. You’ve been a godsend”.

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