Have Questions? CALL US AT 419-222-7723 or 1-800-653-7723

Many of our services are provided without cost to qualified individuals. Due to the limited funding available for these services, individuals are encouraged to donate towards the costs of services they receive. Contributions and partnerships from the general public are accepted and appreciated also.
Area Agency on Aging 3 also accepts Memorial Contributions in memory of a loved one. Donations will be used to provide additional services to individuals in need within our 7-county region.
If you would like to donate, you may send your contribution to the address below or you may contact our agency at 419-222-7723.
Please send donations to:
Area Agency on Aging 3, Inc.
2423 Allentown Rd
Lima, Ohio 45805
You can also make a donation via PAYPAL: PSA3 Agency on Aging, Inc
or Venmo: @AreaAgencyonAging3
We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your donations. Your support will give area individuals access to quality services which will enhance their dignity and independence.
Area Agency on Aging 3 is a not-for-profit, 501 (c3) as recognized by the Internal Revenue Service. Donations are tax deductible to the extent allowed by current tax law.
Area Agency on Aging 3 is a United Way funded agency. AAA 3 is a funding agency of the Ohio Department of Aging.