Grateful to be part of Care Coordination Program
Submitted by: Melissa Atha, Care Coordination Program Specialist
Pauline is 81 years old and receives services through the Care Coordination Program.
She was born in Cumberland Maryland. After graduation, Pauline married Richard in 1975. Pauline and Richard Adopted a daughter in 1980 and moved to Ohio.
Pauline's husband Richard past in 1999 of Cancer.
Pauline reports having gone through a lot of medical issues, including A-Fib, Obesity, HTN, Hypothyroidism, Hyperlipidemia, Arthritis, Hip Pain, pressure ulcer to buttocks. Because of some of her medical issues, Pauline needs some assistance with personal care, homemaking, food prep, and incontinence supplies. She can receive the assistance needed from the Care Coordination Program offered through the Area Agency on Aging 3.
Now because of the assistant through the Care Coordination Program, Pauline can continue to reside in independent living in her own home, additional services offered through the Area Agency on Aging 3. She receives services such as the Home Delivered Meals, Adult Day Care, Emergency Response System
Pauline is truly grateful for the Care Coordination Program.
“I am very blessed, and truly grateful for my care manager and AAA3 Pauline stated.
Blessed to be part of Care Coordination Program
Submitted by: Denise Lemmon, Care Coordination Program Specialist
Since November 2020, Herbert and his caregiver, Taryn, have been receiving services through Area Agency on Aging 3’s Care Coordination Program. This program provides information and access of home and community-based services for individuals who are at risk of needing institutional care. Herbert is diagnosed with dementia. Taryn & Kevin have been doing everything they can to keep do what many fight so hard to do—Herbert in her home as long as possible for the last 6 years. Taryn does her best to provide care, but Area Agency on Aging was able to step in and lend a small hand to help Taryn & Kevin in their endeavors. Taryn shares that, “Area Agency on Aging 3 has been a big help, and we are not sure what we would do without it.” They are so blessed to be on this program, especially with the continuing rise of things in the world right now. They don’t have to scrimp and scrape to get the things Herbert needs. Through the program, Herbert receives incontinent supplies & nutritional drinks. He was also receiving an aide, but due to aide shortage he is currently without one at this time. Agency on Aging 3 Taryn and her husband Kevin are so thankful for the help Area Agency on Aging has provided this past year. For information about the Care Coordination Program or other programs please call the agency at 419-222-7723.