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Caregiver Thankful for AAA3's Help

Submitted by: Melissa Atha, AAA3 Care Manager/Care Coordination

Since November 2013 Michael and his caregiver, Donna, have been receiving services through Area Agency on Aging 3’s Care Coordination Program.

This program provides information and access of home and community-based services for individuals who are at risk of needing institutional care.

Michael was diagnosed with Frontotemporal Dementia 20 years ago. Donna, Michael’s wife, has been doing everything she can. To keep doing what many fight so hard to do—Keep Michael in his home as long as possible.

Donna does her best to provide care, Donna was forced to retire in 2016, due to Michael becoming unable to care for himself anymore. Donna’s husband continues to be bedridden and unable to do simple tasks. Donna acknowledges how juggling everything is a huge challenge for her. The Area Agency on Aging was able to step in and lend a small hand to help Donna in her endeavors. Donna shares that, “Area Agency on Aging 3 has been a big help and we are not sure what we would do without it.”

Through the program, Michael receives incontinent supplies, and receives an aide a couple times a week to provide some temporary relief. Donna is so thankful for the help Area Agency on Aging has provided this past year.

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